How to Get Rid of Back Pain for Surfing

Do gentle stretching before paddling out to keep your back flexible. Never force or strain!!

Surfer Dean (who follows the Yoga for Surfers DVD series) just emailed me this:

Just got this email from a YFS-er, Dean, who writes:
hay the dvds are great..
i am just doing board sports yoga ride most off the time…
i have busted both my ankles before an prolapsed a disc in my lower back..
i have diffeculty doing some of the poses ..iam only doing them till the likes off my hammys
start to go tight..would you recomend any poses in particular..
my ankles are ok …my back has to be looked after….
i surf an snowboard…an even better our mt opens this weekend in nz..
keen as for any ideas you have…
i have been doin yoga for 3ta 4 weeks now… am feeling way more relaxed
an looser in my back….
cheers dean


And here’s my response:
Thanks for writing and stoked to hear you’re benefiting from the YFS DVDs!!
So great to know you’re feeling better. For your back, do this:

1. When standing, make sure your feet point straight ahead (not turned out to the sides, which tweaks your back)

2. Wear good shoes with a little padding on the sole; not razor-thin flip-flops (See my recent America Now TV segment here, where I explain why:

The Hidden Cause of Back Pain

3. Don’t eat foods that cause pain flare-ups: salty foods, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, red meat, dairy (yogurt is ok): focus on fish, walnuts, avocado, all fresh fruit & veg; about 2-3 litres of water daily

4. Don’t sleep on the affected side

5. Listen to the How to Heal Faster CD that came with your program; lots more mind/body techniques there!

hope that helps…P.s> Let me know how you score in N.Z.!!

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Filed under surfing, surfing fitness, yoga

Even Yogis Get Back Pain

You know those days when you feel invincible? Strong, powerful, fluid and free?

Well, that’s exactly how I was feeling last Thursday, when I decided to pump out four sets of 25 pushups, with a down dog stretch in between each set.

I’d been out of the water for a few days (combination of lack of swell and too-cold water) and I was itching to move, move!

Even though the last couple of sets were a challenge, I did them — with straight legs, no less! (No “girl pushups” for me!)

Well, all was fine and good, until I helped my sister move some furniture.

Oh, did I mention I’ve been sitting longer than usual, as I’m finishing up my manuscript for my Quit Fighting with Food book?

That, and my lack of doing yoga for a couple of days, sent my back into a spasm like I’ve never felt before! (In fact, I’ve never been one to suffer from low back pain — my stress usually shows up in the form of a stiff neck!)

But now I can totally relate and sympathize with those who suffer from back pain.

Wow! It can be completely debilitating!

Here’s what I’ve been doing to heal:

1. First, I’ve been taking things easy. I didn’t leap out of bed, but instead I drew my knees into my chest one at a time and just hugged them there, letting the weight of my thighs gently stretch my low back. I took a few slow, deep breaths and visualized the spasm easing.

2. Next, I drank a big glass of pure water to help lubricate my joints and muscles.

3. Then, I laid flat on my back with my legs draped over the side of my bed. After a several breaths like that, I crossed one knee over the other and did a tiny little rocking movement side to side. Then I switched legs.

4. Next, I did child’s pose with a pillow under my torso so the stretch wasn’t too intense. I had my husband gently press into my low back to massage the lumbar spine. (You could also reach around and do this yourself.)

5. I took two tablespoons of liquid magnesium to help calm down the spasm.

6. I took 500 mg of Naproxen (anti-inflammatory) with my breakfast smoothie made of blueberries (nature’s aspirin).

7. Then I soaked in a hot bath with a cup of Epsom salts (also full of magnesium to soothe sore muscles)

8. Now I’m heading to the sauna for about 10 minutes.

9. Finally, I’m finishing off with a visit to the chiropractor for some ultrasound treatment.

10. I won’t be doing any vigorous yoga, but I will keep moving to avoid stiffness.

And of course, I’m letting go of any negative self-talk (“How I could I be so stupid to overdo it like that?”  “I should have known better!” “Oh, I’m feeling so old”) and focusing instead of “I’m healing…I’m healing.”

Just thought you might be interested to know that even Yogis get back pain!

For more of my tips on how to heal faster, claim your free “Heal Faster”CD as a bonus gift with your Yoga for Surfers 4-pack order!

UPDATE: Feeling much better now! I’ll probably finish off with some ice treatment — the special way I describe in my CD!

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Filed under yoga

Two Simple Tips for Instant Energy

Hello — it’s Peggy here, with two simple tips for instant energy!

Your breath is your energy, so keep it flowing!

I know, I know — it seems like there are times when the only thing that will work for a “pick-me-up” is something stimulating, like a cup of coffee, a soda, a candy bar or a bag of chips, right?!

But you probably know that those “quick fixes” often leave you with a thundering crash later, as your blood sugar plummets and blood flow to the brain is decreased, leaving you feeling every more fatigued and foggy-minded than before!

My recommendation?

1. First of all, b-r-e-a-t-h-e! Do it right now — let your abdomen expand as you inhale slowly and deeply; let your ribcage separate and your lungs fill with fresh, clean oxygen!

Let the breath linger for a moment, then exhale completely through your mouth, gently drawing your belly in to expel all the stale air.

This will clear the path for the next full, deep energizing breath!

Why this works: Deep breathing oxygenates the blood and helps to bring nutrients to the cells. Often, feelings of fatigue are caused by not enough oxygen!

Ramp it up:Try this super-energizing breathing exercise from Yoga for Board Sports!

2. Instead of reaching for junk food, eat something green! That’s right — the green pigment found in plants is chlorophyll, which is actually stored energy from the sun!

I’ve actually been known to nibble on a handful of mini salad greens for quick energy! But slices of cucumbers, celery sticks work just as well.

Green foods boost energy!

Why this works:
Chlorophyll helps the blood carry more oxygen to the body’s cells and tissues.

In a pinch, mix a teaspoon of dried greens into a glass of water — you’ll get a mild buzz that’s healthier and longer lasting than caffeine!




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What’s the difference between yoga and stretching?

Hello! It’s Peggy here, with a question I get asked quite a bit (especially by those who are new to yoga)…

“What’s the difference between yoga and stretching?”

Peg photoAt first glance, it may seem that yoga is simply a form of stretching, and in fact, a lot of yoga poses do stretch the body in various ways.

But just as surfing is more than mere exercise, yoga is more than just stretching.

You see, yoga is not just about flexibility.

Yes, you definitely WILL become more flexible when you do yoga, but it’s almost like a side-benefit.

Just like surfing, yoga is a way of living, a way of being. Yoga becomes a part of you — sometimes developing slowly; other times happening dramatically — and you learn to draw on your yoga reserves right when you need them.

You might find that you start to focus on your breath during a stressful situation, or you might surprise yourself by staying calm and centered instead of being overrun by your emotions.

You might notice that you’re sleeping better, experiencing more energy and better moods.

You might more naturally and effortlessly begin to eat more healthfully and take better care of yourself, and feel good about doing so.

And of course, you likely will experience greater energy and endurance on the waves and more pure stoke in your everyday life!

Peg and TomThat’s because when you practice Yoga for Surfers, you learn to breathe consciously and stay aware of what you’re feeling in each pose.

You learn to remain open to what you’re feeling, without opinion or judgment — and instead, to embrace the experience at hand.

And then you translate that sense of calm energy and focused awareness to your everyday life so that each moment comes into razor-sharp view.

That means no more sleep-walking through life!

Instead, no matter what comes up — from the rides to the wipe-outs — you learn to stay balanced and centered, open and free.

If you haven’t done so already, I invite you begin to live in that state of yoga, which is a sense of oneness, of wholeness, of well-being.

And I will be honored to be your guide!

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Filed under surfing, yoga

How to Get Paid to Surf!

Hi — it’s Peggy here, with insider info on how to Get Paid to Surf!

David in the Maldives — Yes, it’s a tax write-off!
david lip

Yep, you read the right!

If you’ve ever (even just for a fleeting moment) wished you could leave your day job and go after your true passion, then have I got news for you!

It IS possible to make money doing what you love!

In fact, I’m living proof that it can happen.

You see, not that long ago I was working full-time as a university administrator. My true passion was teaching, but I somehow got away from the classroom and into the boardroom (and I’m not talking surfboards!)

Even though I was making good money and had a respectable title and nice office, I still felt restless–knowing that deep down inside I wasn’t really doing what I was put here on Earth to do!

A series of events led me to some soul searching, and well — I’d love for you to listen to my entire story and find out for yourself just exactly what led me to make some major changes in my life — and to experience great happiness along the way!

To find out more, check out my FREE 50-minute audio where I tell you about my personal path — and where I encourage YOU to follow yours!

You’ll see that it IS possible to make money (a lot, in fact!) doing what you love!

The page where you’ll sign up to get free access to my audio is on the “YFS Teacher Training” page — and don’t worry: if you ONLY want to hear the audio and NOT get any additional info about the teacher training program, simply “unsubscribe” with one click!

But, if you are interested (even just a tiny bit curious) about the first-ever Yoga for Surfers Teacher Training, then I encourage you to stay on the interest list because I share my insider secrets to being a better teacher — and you can apply some of these strategies to be more effective in SO many areas in your life: at work, with your friends, and with your family!

Now this is how I like to dress for work!
Peg doing Warrior 2

Imagine how YOU would feel, doing what you love, like teaching Yoga for Surfers!
I’ve worked at various surf camps, teaching yoga AND surfing — and I feel so grateful getting paid while having the time of my life!

P.S. Here’s what I share in my free 50-minute audio program:

* How I came up with the idea of Yoga for Surfers
(I’ve never shared all these details before!)

* How I made the “scary” leap of leaving my secure job at the
university to (gulp) a full-time career in yoga (Hint: looking
back, I would have done it even sooner!)

* Why following your heart is the true path to happiness (and how
you can make money doing so!)

* Why teach? Top reasons why teaching yoga is an amazing career

BONUS: I also share the “Top 10 Mistakes Yoga Teachers Make — and
how to avoid them!”

Psst… none of the things I share with you on the call are being taught
anywhere else!

In fact, I learned these things through my own many years of experience
(and thousands of dollars in the process!)

But I feel compelled to share them with like-minded folks like you!

Again, here’s where you can access the call for free!

Looking forward to “talking” with you soon!


Filed under surfing, yoga

Yoga for Surfers Teacher Training Program!

peg and taylor

Yoga for Surfers Teacher Training!

Due to popular demand, I’ll be organizing and leading the first-ever Yoga for Surfers Teacher Training this September in Southern California!

So if you — or someone you know — is interested in becoming a yoga teacher or just going deeper into yoga, then I invite you to check out the details below.

Just a note that I am looking for only a select few to join me in this training. I’m not interested in turning out hundreds of teachers — only those that can embody the Yoga for Surfers approach and philosophy.

So, if you think that might be you, please check it out below!


P.S. We’ve only got a few more spaces available, so please act fast if you’re interested!

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Filed under surfing, yoga

Yoga Journal Features Yoga for Surfers!

yoga journal mag YOU already know that yoga and surfing are a natural fit — now Yoga Journal is getting in on it, too!

My “Best Five B4 U Ride” poses were featured in the mag, along with a full-page interview with surfing superstar Taylor Knox, who demonstrates how yoga keep him carving (smoothly and effortlessly, it seems) YFS I and YFS II!

P.S.  My “Best Five “B4 U Ride” laminated reference card is your bonus gift when you purchase any YFS DVD!

Check out the individual DVDs here


Get the complete YFS Series with extra bonus gifts and free shipping — including international!

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Filed under surfing, yoga

Need to Bust your Gut?

I hear from so many people who want to know the best (and fastest) way to flatten their belly — either for a special event coming up or just to get the darn pants to fit better!

Some folks are not even overweight, but they still have a tendency toward that little pooch.

The good news is that you can “gut your gut” fairly quickly and easily — especially if you’re suffering from belly bloat!

I did a recent show on the ABC Radio Network where I explained how most things folks do often backfire when it comes to losing weight!

You can go here to listen to the show for free!

You’ll also hear another show I did on “Sleep Yourself Slim”.

I made these special gifts available to folks who subscribe to my free weekly wellness tips, and I wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss out!

And, if you can’t wait to listen to the audios and just want my help right now, please check out my One-Day MiracleCleanse for all the details! Click on the image below for info!


P.S. You can also sign up for my free weekly wellness tips at

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Filed under detox, nutrition, weight loss, wellness

What the Pup?! (Contest)

“What the PUP?!” Contest!

If you’re a subscriber to my wellness tips, then you may already have heard the news about my little mystery puppy, Teddy!

Two days after rescue
two days after resuce

On May 1st, I found a tiny, starving, dirty puppy staggering near an abandoned house …just about to step out into a busy street. (This near the rough edge of town on the outskirts of LA where I just happened to be!) Without hesitation, I scooped her up and have been nursing her back to health ever since!

One week after rescue – smaller than a shopping bag!
tiny teddy

Many of you wagered a guess as to her heritage, and it turns out that she’s mainly Rottweiler, with a little German Shepherd thrown in the mix!

And, as the proud puppy-mommy I am, here are a few more pics to show how she’s grown!

Teddy – Now 3 months old
Teddy - 3 months


No, Teddy — not the DVD!Many of you know that I’m dedicated to animal welfare, so I can’t help but think of the divine guidance that was involved in directing this little pup my way!
(Not sure my four kitty-cats feel the same way, though!)

Teddy playing


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Get a Beach Body — Peggy’s SurfGirl Magazine Article

surf girl mag
I wrote the cover article on how to “Get a Beach Babe Body” — with exercises demonstrated by my good friend and fellow surfer Carolyn Ruiz!

We always say that the only thing better than surfing is surfing with your friends — and I’m so grateful for mine!

One night last week about seven of us paddled out (I can hear the groans now about bringing your own crowd …) but we were practically the only ones in the lineup.

Don’t you love it when you’re trading waves with your buddies, hooting for each other and claiming great rides?

Doesn’t get much better than that…

What do you think?!

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Filed under surfing, surfing fitness